First College Thanksgiving

This week was Thanksgiving break. For Thanksgiving I usually go to my grandparents house on my moms side and it was the same this year. Although it was with my grandparents and the same members of my family it didn’t feel like it used to. I think this is in part due to the fact that this was our first Thanksgiving in my grandparents new house. I didn’t realize how much the move would affect me maybe because I didn’t think it would ever come. They had been living in their house for forty something years. It’s where my mom and her brother grew up and it’s a place me and my brother spent a lot of time at. My friends were confused as to why I was so upset about them moving even though they’ll still be close by but that place is what felt normal and constant to me throughout my life. There was this huge change and it was also during covid. Plus the house was only five minutes away from my house and that was really special and important to my family. I know it’s just a house and I had no control over them moving but I tend to get very attached to certain things and I don’t like big changes. So Thanksgiving this year was nice but strange. Nice because I always enjoy getting to see my family but strange because it didn’t feel like we were supposed to be there. Not in the sense that we were breaking in but because I was so used to a certain routine. It also felt different because it was my first Thanksgiving while being in college. It sort of felt more like I was just visiting and it’s interesting to feel like a visitor in the place you have called home for almost your whole life. It’s also interesting to see what has stayed the same and what has changed in the town or area even though you haven’t been gone for so long. Plus this wasn’t even my first time coming home but I think it was the longest time. I wanted to be comfortable but I also didn’t want to get too comfortable because I knew I wouldn’t be there for that long. I really tried to live in the moment and be thankful that I had a family to go home to who was willing to pick me up from school and wanted to spend time with me. I’m really looking forward to winter break because I like spending time with my friends and family and I’ll get to do that for a nice amount of time and hopefully I won’t get sick of them. It’s still so hard for me to believe that I’m basically done with my first semester of college. It went by so fast and I don’t think I was expecting that.

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